On the interpretation of Pre-Exam Questions and on Pre-Exam appeals

Candidates often ask us questions on possibilities to file a Pre-Exam appeals based on an alleged unclarity, alleged ambiguity or alleged error in a Pre-Exam question or statement or in the Examiner's Report or based on a different understanding or interpretation of the question or statement.

Below, a recent decision from the Disciplinary Board of Appeal (which is the competent Board of Appeal for EQE appeals) is discussed that presents a nice overview of the (limited) extent of the competence of the DBA, and also addresses how Pre-Exam questions and statements need to be interpreted by candidates, the Pre-Exam Committee and the Examination Board. The decision answers substantially all questions that candidates ask us on Pre-Exam appeals, so we present it in this Pre-Exam blog rather than in our Case law Blog. 

Also, we present a (non-exhaustive) overview of neutralizations of Pre-Exam statements/questions and of Pre-Exam appeals.