Pre-Exam Mock under exam conditions on 7 December 2021 - and on 3 February 2022

A mock Pre-Exam under exam conditions will be available on 7 December 2021, based on the exam of 2019. See also here.

Note that the Mock Pre-Exam paper may not include calendars - you can take them from the Pre-Exam 2019 Compendium here.

Update 14/1/2022: Pre-Exam candidates have been informed by the EQE secretariat that: 

"A further mock flow is offered on 3 February 2022 between 9:30 and 17:30 CET under examination-like conditions to test your equipment and settings (e.g. camera and microphone). 
For those who have not yet done such a test, please note that this one is indispensable before sitting the EQE." 

(See below for the full message)

Note that the Mock Pre-Exam paper may not include calendars - you can take them from the Pre-Exam 2021 Compendium here.

You will not receive calendars with the actual Pre-Exam 2022. In the actual exam EQE 2022 the basis for calculating time limits are the days on which the EPO filing offices are closed as published in the Official Journal. Candidates are encouraged to have the closing days of 2020, 2021 and 2022 at hand during the examination, as wella s a list of Saturdays and Sundays in these years. No calendars will be provided with the examination papers. See here.

Please feel invited to post your experiences with the Mock and the platform, comments and tips as comments to this blog. It is appreciated if you use your name or a nickname in your post, for easy reference (you can use the Anonymous option and close the message with your name, or use the google account or name option).