Planning to sit Pre-Exam 2023: Deadline for compulsory registration prior to first-time enrolment is 15 January 2022!!

Candidates wishing to enrol for the pre-examination 2023 for the first time must have completed a total period as defined in Article 11(2)(a) REE of at least two years by 1 March 2023.

Candidates who have passed the pre-examination and wish to enrol for the main examination for the first time must at the date of the examination have completed a total period as defined in Article 11(2)(a) REE of at least three years.

Be reminded that candidates must register once they have commenced their professional training (Article 11(2) REE; Rule 28 IPREE).

Enrolment to the pre-examination 2023 will only be possible for candidates who have registered by 15 January 2022 at the latest (see Notice of the Examination Secretariat OJ EPO 2018, A99).